Memandangkan muka aku ni...takdelah semulus kulit orang lain. Ada je mende-mende ni datang nak menyinggah. And, that's thing make me feel sooooooooo annoying. Ada satu masa aku nak sangat siat-siat kulit muka aku ni....then kulit tu nanti tumbuh hat lain. Which is, hat lain tu..hat barulah. Macam kulit muka aku time baby dulu-dulu. Hahaha. If I wish lah kan!! So..disebabkan kulit muka aku macam ni....mak aku selalu bising.
"Ape pasal lah muka kau macam ni. Tak reti ke kau jaga muka kau tu?" Peghh...bedesing telinga aku dengar. Bukan apa..bukan aku tak reti jaga mukaaa aku ni...tapi muka aku ni hat degil, sensitif sangat!
Dulu, aku pakai macam-macam pencuci muka. Semua aku try..hat jenis oil cleansing lah...acne problem lah. Bak kata, semua produk yang ada kat Watson, Guardian tu...semua aku bantai nak try. Aku try sebab dengan niat..aku nak kulit muka aku ni licin tambah-tambah dah takde bebelan mak aku hat tegur pasal jerawat ni. Tapi sayang.....semua tak berkesan. So, sebab kulit aku ni kalis pencuci muka, aku terus give up nak pi hunting any cleanser wash yang sesuai ngan jenis kulit muka aku ni.
By the way, kulit muka aku ni..jenis combination. It's oily and have acne on my face. So..makin banyak produk yang aku cuba, makin teruk muka aku. Since aku pi hunting cleanser wash ni...time aku FirstYear kat UKM. Peghh..time ni..besemangat gila. Masuk SecondYear...dah malas dah. Huuu.......
Right now, I'm just stick to one only, which is
Hada Labo Tamagohado AHA-BHA Face Wash. Before I'm start to hunt this kind of product, I just try to google on this thing and read every review that people gives about it. Interesting product from Japan. Oh yeah! Fyi, Tamagohado is a word from Japanese. Tamago stands for egg. This face wash will promises to gives the smooth, silky to your face, hopefully! And, it suitable for oily and combination skin type and also for all the skin type.
Source : Google ;)
After I read the review, my feeling told me I should to try it on. Okay, first try, is nothing happen. But a few week later, I felt different than before! My skin is less oily and I feel smooth as silk.'s great and awesome!!! tNot other product that I tried before this. Plus, this cleanser wash is affordable for student like me. The price is about RM 17.90 for every 50g tube and I loved it. guys have to try it on. Daaaaaaaaaaaa!