slumber party,it's the name of our party yesterday. it's joined with gossip girls and 6 jahanam. the gossip girls prepared of the food and the boys....just eat it all of them. the party starts on 11pm where all of them, gathering in KDO's badminton court,in front of the UKM field. ok. to prepare the food, 1st, we split up in 2 groups,which is 1 group made sushi and the others made spagethi. im on sushi's group! first step is,we must cook the rice with on it,have black pepper powder and serbuk cukup rasa by maggi. then,we move it to the contents of sushi. we just put a cucumber that we slicing it,the chicken fillet, the fillet of crab, and a tuna. ok. it is the climax one to make a sushi. haha. after the rice is cooked, we took a roller,where on it have a kimchi. on kimchi, we have to design our contents so that it looks pretty and easy to roll it. first,it hard to roll the sushi because we put too much the contents on kimchi. so, the kimchi looks like a fat one. haha! ape lagi...kitorang ramai-ramai makan la sushi tu.
wei! aku tatao pon ko ade blog..
ReplyDeleteaku da link da! =P
anyway, mane korg blaja wat sushi weii??
ajar la aku.. =D
haha. baru perasan ke aku ade blog?
ReplyDeletesmpai ati betul.
ak pon baru belajar cmne wat sushi nih.
nnt aku ajar ko ek?
serius simple...