she's like my sister here. every single i've done,i must tell her. i don't know why,or we have chemisty? aku kenal ngn dia pun secara kebetulan. me,selected on AUG's volunteer in beach volleyball and so her. for first time i met her,i felt something about her and i've story everything about me and she listened up. from there,we close and close until now. then,the way she speak up,i thought she is the elder one of the family,unfortunately i wrong! huh...she is the younger one.
she and i..maybe have similarity that made me comfortable around her. we shared the same of genre music,maybe a little bit of the way we dress up, or the way we thinking of. from her,i know what is life too. she taught me everything and im thanked to her. yeah! suke die sebab die sekepala ngn aku. shaz! bile nk g gig yuna? :]
entry ni..aku wat pon sebab da lama aku x jumpa die. first,short sem ni,die g fieldwork kat area pantai timur. serious,she's so busy and no time to meet me. until yesterday,barulah dia msg ak...teman die makan. ok..aku pon setuju r. yang bangang..aku pegi tido. adus...sori shaz. mengantuk la. terus aku basuh muka,pastuh jumpa die kat surau. at least,dapat jumpa dia kejap,dari x jumpa langsung.
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