Sunday, September 6, 2009

terbang engkau jauh-jauh

i don't know what to do now. and this is disturb me and makes me feel annoying. aghhhh

  1. ak tak kisah orang nak fikir aku ni pape pon. as long happy with my life,u OUT of my way.
  2. susah tuk aku mnjaga hati semua pihak. maybe mudah tuk korang cakap..itu,ini. cuba korang letakkan diri korang lam situasi ak...cmne?
  3. ak percaya dengan pepatah orang putih. what goes around,comes around.
  4. i love the present because my past is done.
  5. may be ak jahat?
  6. cuba korang jgn bace list ini. mesti korang akan rase annoying juga.
  7. ak hanya mahukan kebebasan. no limit. and thanks mom understand your daughter.
  8. susah tuk ak percayakan lelaki. man is bad?
  9. love is drug when you're addicted with it. but,how to recover it? think yourself.
  10. ak hanya mampu tersenyum. gambar itu bukti kau memang penipu.
  11. emo? itu bukan aku.
  12. mom is my role model,she too,banned love! *sigh*
  13. kan bagus...hidup ini ada pemangkin. bole jadikan aku termangkin balik.
  14. body language is the first step you want to flirt somebody. ahhh..really? nnt ak try.
  15. kenapa perlu blushing if orang lain usik kau ngn orang yang kau minat?
  16. tepat,kalau ak cakap....ak mmg poyo!
  17. laughter is the best medicine when you depress. and friends is what laughter comes from.
  18. aku tak pandai bermain dengan kata2 sebab ak jenis cakap terus-terang.
  19. bila ak ade probs,better ak mndiamkan diri. it is safe!
  20. cry is good. don't attempt you're happy outside. just spill out!
  21. ak hanya tahu bercakap ape yang aku fikirkan. even it is not related with the subject now.
  22. hidop macam roda kayu. up&down. happy&sad. rich&poor.
  23. susah tuk ak berjumpa ngn org yang paham ngn perangai ak.
  24. happy-go-lucky,gossipper, is what you called me.

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