did my words kill your feeling?
here: im apologize
im not a good girl..
but im try to be a good one..
im try to make you satisfied for what i've done..
whether when you happy,sad,excited,anxious
im not good to console your heart..
at least im try to see you smile..
when im speak seriously..
im meant it!
to you...
i will give everything i can..
i want to see your smile,laugh everyday
not your tears..
you are kind of my sisters here.
what should i do/don't...
you show me..
thank guys...
you made up my life..

im not a good girl..
but im try to be a good one..
im try to make you satisfied for what i've done..
whether when you happy,sad,excited,anxious
im not good to console your heart..
at least im try to see you smile..
when im speak seriously..
im meant it!
to you...
i will give everything i can..
i want to see your smile,laugh everyday
not your tears..
you are kind of my sisters here.
what should i do/don't...
you show me..
thank guys...
you made up my life..
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bangge jap..
syg kamoo juga