Wednesday, March 4, 2009

hari yang memenatkan

huh! letih gila arini. suppose today didn't have any experiment to do,but...we HAVE to do it so because next friday,we have math test! agghhhh!!

my math is so terible. to pamper my heart,suddenly i remember something that make me realise that i can do it like others! my old teacher,told me something.
mira,i know that you can do better in add math. why not you show me your effort and prove it that you are smart girl?
since that day, i love in math. math is like an addictive when you get the answer and rasa bengang bila x dapat jawab soalan tu. huh! miss my old teacher..her words and smile makes me feel better and don't feel humble again. lalala...makcik ak penah berkata-kata bahawa....last minute study,don't give any rewards to you. ak tetap aku..xde sapa boleh mengubah hidup aku sebab ak tetap suka study last minute. hehehe. tapi kan...some of my friends,dia cakap last-minute study pon bagos gak! btul2...ak try r search kat google..ternyata ade tp yg memberangsangkan!

tadi cik mizab tepon ak...mesti cik mizab rindukan aku disini. lalala...die ckp,die bru balik dari rumah mak ngah..pas makan nasi beriani lak 2! huh! time makan nasi beriani..nk gtau ak lak! saja je wat ak telan air liur je. cik mizab ni...bukan xtau prangai ak cmne. btw,ak rindukan cik mizab!! lalala....tibe2 teringat kat cik razali. mintak maaf la sebab menyusahkan kamo tadi.

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