Tuesday, April 28, 2009

it's the time

enough for electric. 
i cant bear anymore. 
3.30pm is the right time. 
i want to puke everything of what i read. 
and..be a zombie for 3 days,i think it's enough for EE. 

Monday, April 27, 2009

apabila otakku berminat terhadap.............

aku mahu jadik cm logic gate..senang jek. pastuh ade truth table. hidop lagik senang. untok short-cut,wat r K-map.  SR flip-flop pon bagos gak. lagik bagos...D flip-flop. otak cakap makan...aku pon bukak mulut,tandanya aku dah brsedia untok makan. baru aku tao..power pon ade banyak jenis. apparent power mmbawa aku ke alam maya sebab tuh die ade j. real power pulak...mmg betol-betol 'real'! haih!! transformer dapat mngubah voltan hidopku sama ada turun ke naik. diode pulak...membenarkan aku berjalan ke hadapan. xde reverse...melainkan itu adalah full-wave rectifier. aku telah menambah kosa kata baru..bak kata cik mun. register bukan semestinya pendaftaran. dan accumulator bukan pengumpul seperti yg aku sangka. owh...baru aku tao. 

conclusion is: aku maken brminat trhadap kursus ini eventhough it is just 'minor' course :]

Saturday, April 25, 2009

to tot-tot!

people do mistakes and do i. as a human....nobody perfect. like i told...xde sape yg sempurna melainkan they pretend to be perfect. hidop penoh dugaan whether we can bear with that condition,it depends on ourself. selagi ko happy ngn life ko...just think that we are here besides you. don't think negative side---it will harm you,dear. when you stress...jgn melayan perasaan kamu. bile kamu mahu menangis...nanges la. nanges sepuas hati kamu tapi bukan secara brterusan. itu bahaya,sayang! lagi satu...luahkan rasa ketidakpuasan hati kamu pada org yg trdekat. x salah jika kamu mluahkannya...itu dapat meredakan hati kamu yg dalam kemarahan. bile kamu marah...banyak bnde yg bermain dalam pikiran kamu. the thing is...kamu jgn pernah wat bukan-bukan! kami ada jika kamu rasa susah. hmm..past is past,dear. nothing more u can change about it because it was past! let it be your history and keep it tightly! don't u ever do it again. mulot org...susah tuk kita tutop. biar la dorang nk ckp ape pasal ko,yg penting ko patot bangga kat diri ko. ko penah wat salah...dan ko buktikan ko mampu tinggalkan kisah lampau kamu,which is good for you. i give you credit! because...not all people can leave their own story in the past. ko percaya kat diri ko dan ALLAH S.W.T. bukan ke motto kita...kami mampu melakukannya! so..move on,dear! turn the other book and past is rubbish!! don't think again. ko kat UKM...enjoy selagi ko mampu. jangan stress...

Friday, April 24, 2009

dikala ku kebosanan

aku bukan robot..
tuk mengingati semua.
aku coba tuk menjadi 'kuat'
tapi aku tak berdaya
tak berdaya menahan setiap godaan 

i love to be a girl
because i can play,play and play all the time.
when im grew up..
nothing more i can play.
my action will effect me soon
hate to be a woman.
but...when im see my mother,
grow me up,teaches me what's right and wrong..
i felt guilty to myself.
it's unfair if im kids forever!

dunia semakin kecik
makin banyak masalah yang ditanggung oleh dunia
siapa yang melakukannya?
yang mengejar kejayaan tanpa melihat kesan pada akan datang.
yang taksub kepada keduniaan tanpa sedar dunia makin rosak

i can't to be a man
because i was born as a girl
nothing can change me
even once i thought to myself..
i want to be a boy
because i comforts with boys
no idea-why?

is it me that he's been thinking of???


oral tuk german...
sudah habes.
berlalu pergi ngn senyuman,gelak tawa
kerana ia sunggoh mnyeronokkan!

Thursday, April 23, 2009

termo....im done with u

okies! termo sudah berlalu pergi cm hatiku ini. even im done on my past year....im stuck with it again this morning. i want suck U back,dear.

sudah habis.
im not good in termo
aber,ich bin versuchen nach verstehe auf termo.
[but,im try to understand it!]

is it work to me?
kepala ku saket....
carnot cycle,isentropic efficiencies,enthalpy
ideal rankine cycle,ideal vapour-compression cycle.
apa itu?

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

danke schon!

maybe im not lucky today...
so...ak membawa diri aku pegi beronggeng ke alamanda
eventhough i feel so-so-so-so guilty to myself because im enjoy....not study for upcoming exam.
but....with them,i feel so comfort and they understand my situation.
from ground floor to 1st floor and eventually to 2nd floor.
ak merasa sgt puas pusing 1 alamanda...even no sale right now.
mmg ak rase down sangat...
sebab itu...ak mengambil langkah yg amat drastik tuk diri ak.
and...our last activity: watch horror movie!! -COMING SOON-
me comment: cite 2 best tp xde ending! hahaahaha!

so now....
time to rest my mind!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009


sorry amani koz not wish your birthday but at least i do a surprise to you. 

birthday girl,amani. 

aku ngn birthday girl! hee....ko da tua da amani. 

cik mun tengah khusyuk memotong kek. cm birthday dia plak. lalala....

yeah!! sesi suap-mnyuap. kek da tinggal separoh...sape la yg mkn kn?

mungkin...diorang yg melantak kot? hish! tgk...g-joy smpai mnjilat jari. si sayed pulak..wat pose ala-ala macho sebab kek yg aku beli sedap kn? :]

atau.....abg jo ngn cik mun yg makan? mungkin-mungkin...tgk muka mun! penoh feeling sebab mahu mnikmati kek itu. abg jo...ape yg kamu tgk tu? hehe...xde pape ats kek tuh.


this part:fun! mase tgh mkn kek..bole plak dtg idea untok brlari-lari di sekitar foyer kejut. adoi..klu dipikirkan agak malu la..sebab cm budak-budak tp at last,seronok. habes muka tiap org kena calit ngn krim kek. huhu! sorang pon x trlepas...sumer org jadik mangsa. 

aku ngn g-joy. muka dia la yg paling terok! cantek kan?

im with cik mun. tengok! aku tgk amik gmbr pon...smpt gik korang calit muka aku. huh!!


korang!! nih scandal terbaru. adakah mereka gay
tengok gmbr nih...

aku..no komen la.


pic nih agak kabor. but it has sentimental value. it's not easy to capture picture together like this!!

p/s: disebabkn da letih membaca electric&electronic ,aku mngambil kesempatan tuk entrykn post nih which is da lama terkandas. huhu!


yeah!! exam mechanic da abes! seriusly...soalan cm past year yg mr.kat bg tuh! tp asal ak x take care mnde yg die ckp? pdhal..da terang lg brsuloh mr.kat ajar kat ak. tp ak lgsong wat xtao.
mengong!! lg satu...x penah ak tido lam exam..bole plak exam pg td ak tido. pdahal byk lagi solan yg ak lom jawab. ngn selamba badak...ak tido 3/4 kali lam dewan exam!! cm syial jek ak rase arini. smalam ak tido awal...preparation 4 exam today. skali cm bangkai lak ak rase. pe bende yg ak melalut td..pon ak xtao. ak tgk cine seblah ak...relax semacam jek. haih! entah cmne r result mechanic ak?

next coming exam.....diz weekend too which is on friday. i've got 2 exam simultaneously on that day. first is thermodynamic--the killer one after electric and mechanic. second is oral for german language. harap german je r....eventhough it is not my current language now!
tomorow~~exam static mechanic will start!!
ak mengambil masa yg agak lama tuk memahami subjek ini.
sebab: ak banyak ponteng klas nih.
if im not able to answer it,im fail!

hope...ak dpt mnjawab soklan nih ng tenang.
xde lagi darah gemuruh datang.
and hope...i will wake up early morning.

Monday, April 20, 2009

did my words kill your feeling?
here: im apologize
im not a good girl..
but im try to be a good one..
im try to make you satisfied for what i've done..
whether when you happy,sad,excited,anxious
im not good to console your heart..
at least im try to see you smile..
when im speak seriously..
im meant it!
to you...
i will give everything i can..
i want to see your smile,laugh everyday
not your tears..
you are kind of my sisters here.
what should i do/don't...
you show me..
thank guys...
you made up my life..

Saturday, April 18, 2009


ak bukan nk ckp ak nih bagos sgt...kadang2 org x paham prasaan kite. ikot suke mulot dorang jek...nk ckp pape. pdahal barang tuh...bukan milik die pon! tuan punya barang pon x bising.
yg ko kecoh apsal?! ak pantang betol r org cmnih. mmg mnde nih xde kene mngena ngn ak..tapi ak paham prasaan ko. rase saket hati sgt kat dorang tapi ko xleh nk wat pape.
tuh...naseb bek ak x join korang skalik. klu x...mamat 2ekor tuh...da kene ngn ak. klu nk pape...menonong carik kitorang. klu da senang...tinggalkan kitorang. kawan ke cmnih?? ak mmg xske...!!

Friday, April 17, 2009

everyday is the same..nothing less and nothing more.

1. bangon tido----tu pon trpakse bangon!

2. pegi fak----study group with my clans!

3. brgurao senda----mesti ade bkoz tu 'pemangkin' ak tuk lebih kuat!

4. take a nap at evening----must-must do!

5. on9----i think,it 'harus' not 'wajib'!

6. dinner on 10 o'clock-----klu x mkn...tgh malam lapar gik!

7. Zzzzzzzzzzzzzz!

Thursday, April 16, 2009

to nadia

hei....don't be sad! ak tetap ade....tuk mnceriakan harimu yg akn dtg. chewaaah!!! don't think the past because it will ruin your world. present is present...and that 's how u manage it. throw the past...and happy with me. ak paham hati dan prasaan ko. saket sgt bile kita mragui seseorang. byk prsoalan akn timbol...is it he be honest with me? is it he love me like i do? is it he have another girl? hmm...susah tuk kita yakinkan hati kita lepas ape yg trjadik. nasehat ak la.....jgn bagi sluroh hati dan prasaan ko kt die.bkn mksod ak..ko jgn syg kat die da.just...keep a little space to yourself.be pity to yourself---i don't want u be sad again.sad is not the best to us! ahaks! just be happy. ya! u love him.....but don't think so much about him. think bout me....think bout norie,mun,paten,tot-tot! we are besides you...eventhough you are happy,sad,excited,ko tgh marah ke,bile ko rase nk membebel. kitorang ade...leeih2 gik aku!

who? when? where? how? which? why? what?

some people know who they are..
tapi ak xtao sapa ak..

some people know what they do..
tapi ak xtao ape yg ak wat..

some people know what they want..
tapi ak xtao ape yg ak nak..

some people know how to fix their mind..
tapi ak xtao cmne nk betolkan keadaan..

some people know why they are here..
tapi ak xtao kenapa ak kat sini..

some people know which one is the best for them..
tapi ak xtao mane satu yang bagos tuk ak..

some people know where they want to go..
tapi ak xtao kemana arah tuju ak..

some people know when they want to go..
tapi ak xtao bila ak nk pegi...

what i know about myself are wake up at after-noon,eat....eat and eat again,and sleep back!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

International Bloggers Community ??

1. Link the person who tagged you.
2. Copy the image above, the rules and the questionnaire in this post.
3. Post this in one or all of your blogs.
4. Answer the four questions following these Rules.
5. Recruit at least seven (7) friends on your Blog Roll by sharing this with them.
6. Come back to BLoGGiSTa iNFo CoRNeR (PLEASE DO NOT CHANGE THIS LINK) at http://bloggistame.blogspot.com and leave the URL of your Post in order for you/your Blog to be added to the Master List.
7. Have Fun!

Questions & Your Answers:
1. The person who tagged you: pattie
2. His/her site's title and url: http://pattirmina.wordpress.com
3. Date when you were tagged: 16 april '09
4. Persons you tagged: anyone

Tuesday, April 14, 2009


agak malu r arini....
bole ak menyanyi kuat2...pastuh MR.KAT lalu sebelah ak.
malo ak...
mr.kat senyom jek!

korang x gtao MR.KAT lalu....

Saturday, April 11, 2009

get off!

i can't bear anymore...

why im still miss him eventhough he's not mine?
why im still call him eventhough die x suke ak kaco die?
why im still text him eventhough he's never to reply to me?
why im still wait him eventhough he never do anything to hook-up with me again?
why only me deserves get this feeling?
im hate to be like this!
hate this feeling...it ruins me again and again.
when im try to forget about him...he appears in front of me.
why he finds me out when i try to get off from his life?
when im into him....he ignores me!!
why u do diz to me?!
when im asking u back...u just be keep quiet!!!
i hate--u be silent when im ask u.
i need your response!
u have your mind to think of and your mouth to speak out!
don't make me look like a stupid one!
what u know is...u find me out when u have difficult time.
it's unfair!!!
i need u be honest to me about your feeling.
when u with my friends..u told them first version
with me...another versions.
im sick with it!!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

sweet + bad


  • huih! amat trtekan ngn assignment thermo nih. ak xtao pon ape yg nk die nk eventhough da discuss together with my group. equation ape yg nk guna pon....ak x sure. nmpk sgt ak nih x stadi.
  • part yg mnarik...ak da siap da assignment EE. and im sure that undrstand how to make K-map ngn lukis gate logic.thanx to those kipas-susah-mati yg mngajar ak. esok-present kat dpn cik seri yg comel koz MBI xde for dz week.
  • ari yg amat trok! bole ak trbabas solat maghrib arini. haih...letih gle ak arini. naseb bek r pakcik ak kol..klu x,x dinner ak mlm nih.
  • dpt jmpe ngn buah ati ak. TT....hensem r die even citot ckp die jalan terkangkang. even jo ckp die gay. ak ttp suke kt die. heee.....(muka gatal)
  • last klas of german.and...last day dapat jalan ngn si pozan. hehe...will miss that moment. *wink* *wink*
  • cuba tok meng-straight-kan kmbali pmikiran ak yg kolot nih.
  • ak amat merindui dia. lalalala...

Sunday, April 5, 2009

go yuna!

ak amat meminati die. die sempoi jek ble die smpaikn lagu. ak rse..ak knal die ble ak pegi YOUTH'09. shaz r...ajak ak g..sebab die nih wat prformance kat sana. pegi la ak....tp yang bongok...memang ak bongok r...ak x tgk show pon..instead of im hang-out with my ex kt mcD. dorang siap brgmbr ngn die nih. adoi....ak memang jelezzz gile kat dorg. ak pon satu...ak g lepak ngn mamat tuh wat ape. huh!! da....ble ak crik lagu die nih kat internet...and hear her song...perghh!!! ak telah jatoh cinta padanya. opsss! ak suke lagu yg die maenkn. hee..gadis brtudong pon bole maen macam2 instrument. piano pon die bantai. and parents die nih..slalu jek ikot die wat show. mnarik kn khidupan die?

ak suke--- deeper conversation. ak mula kenal die nih...stat ngn lagu nih and ak jadik addicted ble ak dgr lagu2 die...best2! ble lagu nih da mula di-mainstreamkn lam radio..pe lagik..ak,shaz,makcik tini..berkarok lam kete. hahaha! 2nd is dan sebenarnya. haa!! ni lg best. sempoi abes. rocket~~sempat mncurik pndanganku. haa!! fyi,im acttracted to her guitar. lawa siot!

check out this...vid baru die. ni kat esplanade singapore for mosaic music festival. perggh! hebat siot.

Saturday, April 4, 2009


title nih..xde kene mngene ngn ape yg ak nk bebelkn nih. hmm..ak terpikir..nape kte broke up,kite rase sakit? sakit hati sangat2! padahal..bnde 2 mmg kite x nmpk. nk pulihkn hati yg sakit 2..huih! memkn masa yg lama. depends on people. ade kejap..ade yg lama. so...if u ask me,i will say that kejap jek! because..some of my friends called me play-girl. hahaha...yela...ak play-girl. korang baeik la kn? hmm...kadang2 ak nih jahat gak r..ble time rlationship nih. ade je...prbuatan ak nih wat partner ak marah. ak saje je crik gado ngn die..atas sbb kcik.die dtg lmbt pon..ak bising. haih...dania-dania! pe nk jd kn?

cte pasal rlationship nih..ade r kwn2 ak nih..mngalami masalah rumah tangga ngn partner masing2. sbg kawan...ble dorg de masalh..kene r tolong. so...my action is im lend my ears to them so that i can hear their probs. that's it! hahaha...jahat btol ak.

nasihat ak tok org yg sudah brumah tangga:
  • be honest. klu rase x puas hati,feel not secure,ask ur partner. dont lock up ur problem in ur heart alone. it will damage urself soon.
  • trust on ur partner. pcaya atau tidak..kpercayaan trhadap partner korg,wat korg rase korg nih pnting bg ur partner.
  • dont screwed up. klu kamo nk mnipu kamo pn..pndai la sikit. jgn r mnipu terang2. kn abes pinggan,mangkok,belanga..die bg kt kamo.
  • bebas atau dikongkong? tiap org akn ckp..partner ak x kongkong ak. tp ur action will shows us whether partner kamo kongkong atau tdak. ckp mmg senang.
  • jangan bndingkn org lain ngn partner kamu..dpn2! itu mnimbulkan kejelesan partner kamo. huih!
hmm...itu je kot? bg ak...ble ko da suke kat org tuh.just be yourself. x perlu nk ubah sikap kamu..bcause he/she loves u by the way u are. kalu die suke kat kamo bcause of look...xtau nk ckp ape dah.
happy tree friends !!

citer ni klakar tapi agak ganas. bukan-bukan! memang ganas dan langsong tidak seswai trhadap kanak2.huhu..try this. u will laugh and addicted to.

thanx to citot sebab kenalkan ak cite katun ni.
hidop ni...kdg2 best..kdg2 buhsan. kn best jadik budak kcik. xyah memikirkan pasal hidop. hidop ttg main,main dan main.i want do that. but now..im getting 20.more things that i have to do it.

ak skang kat UKM--to me,it stands for UNIVERSITI KELAM-KABUT MALAYSIA. maybe ak agak terok r sebab melabelkan U ak cm2. tp bile ko masok U ak..bru ko tau. yg ak agak panas r..jalan kat cni cm ape ntah. patot jalan kat have to be smooth..but it really sucks !!! im sorry.

masok universiti? that's my dream when im kid. im studying until late of night,smpai mata aku da cekong jadiknye,smpai ak bole addicted of caffein,sumenye sebab ak nk masok universiti. when im enters...terasa r environment lain. and...terasa r tinggal jaoh ngn family ak. bile da jaoh...belang aku da kuar. meet my clan and im happy with them. tapi kn..ape tujuan ak masok universiti? of koz r want to excel in my study besides want to enjoy my time here!

skang pon da terasa bahang final exam. kenapa la ak malas sgt nk study? huh! pointer sem lepas pon da hancus! xkn la ak tetap nk cm2? tolong r..rajen sikit. hmm...haih!