Thursday, April 16, 2009

to nadia

hei....don't be sad! ak tetap ade....tuk mnceriakan harimu yg akn dtg. chewaaah!!! don't think the past because it will ruin your world. present is present...and that 's how u manage it. throw the past...and happy with me. ak paham hati dan prasaan ko. saket sgt bile kita mragui seseorang. byk prsoalan akn it he be honest with me? is it he love me like i do? is it he have another girl? hmm...susah tuk kita yakinkan hati kita lepas ape yg trjadik. nasehat ak la.....jgn bagi sluroh hati dan prasaan ko kt die.bkn mksod ak..ko jgn syg kat die da.just...keep a little space to pity to yourself---i don't want u be sad again.sad is not the best to us! ahaks! just be happy. ya! u love him.....but don't think so much about him. think bout me....think bout norie,mun,paten,tot-tot! we are besides you...eventhough you are happy,sad,excited,ko tgh marah ke,bile ko rase nk membebel. kitorang ade...leeih2 gik aku!