Friday, October 8, 2010

Teman tempat mengadu domba.

Fancy your thought when it comes with, the best-ies. 

They give you a full of color. But, some of them, really make my mood swing.

How do we know that your best-ies is really awesome?
Answer is, just go through theirs life and basically, you will know the later on.

The thing that I miss it so much.

Tidur bersama. Gosip bersama. Masak bersama. Makan bersama. Layan movie (even dalam laptop) bersama. Gelak bersama. Rancang birthday bersama. Sedih bersama. 

You guys rock.
Warming my mind.
Great with your own style. 

Really missed these moment, Peeps. 

I wish, I can goes back to this moment and smile again without any warning.

Could I?


  1. oh oh oh.bergelinangan air mata.memang aku rindu masa dulu

  2. jangan la bergelinangan, aku da tacing ni.
